Sunday 25 September 2011

Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again...

  Watching X-factor with my family is probably the most eventful part of my week. We all take our places in the lounge, preparing for the excitement. Silence lingers for all of five seconds and then the arguments begin. Dad is arguing his point about how the judges could all fit in one car, mum is trying to imitate the accents she hears, and I'm trying to tell them both to shut up so I can actually watch the program we go out of our way for watching.
 I swear I live in a madhouse, where the men in white coats have brought me to. Unfortunately this isn't one of my books, this is reality. If this were my own story then I would be some kick ass ninja style heroin, who gets the really hot guy (at least that bits true :)) I might write a story about my time here one day, jazz it up a bit, make it more eventful, some awesome girl that is just that bit more extraordinary than me.

Moving on to something more interesting: Books
The one I've been reading this week is called 'The Handmaids Tale' my English literature teacher recommended it to me. I'm so glad she did.

Now if you're addicted to Sci-Fi novels then this is right up your street. Set in an alternate time, 'The Handmaids Tale' is the story of a woman who remembers her life before everything was drastically changed, however she is not allowed to deviate from her designated path, if she does then she will be put to death. Being one of the few women left able to have children she is forced to travel from commanders houses to have their children. However she longs for the freedom she knew from the times before and is determined to find a way out of this hell.

I have loved this book so far, it is written beautifully and the characters are portrayed in such a way that it is as though they are standing next to you.  A definite recommendation!

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Seriously can not stop listening to this song, I heard it on an advert on Five USA and couldn't get it out of my head. Thought other people should hear it too, its soooooo good, Rokhsan is very talented.

Now its time to watch Vampire Diaries!!! TTFN.

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